Clifford P. Hansen

Clifford P. Hansen (1912-2009) was a Wyoming politician. A Republican, he served as a United States Senator from 1967 to 1978. His papers contain correspondence with constituents about the Equal Rights Amendment. While he voted against the ERA, and against extending the deadline for ratification of the amendment, his attitudes about equal pay for equal work, women in the military and abortion were more nuanced, as expressed in his letters.

Exchange of letters between Dorothy L. Ashmore and Senator Clifford P. Hansen, January 1973

Ashmore, from Sheridan, Wyoming writes Hansen expressing her dismay that the Equal Rights Amendment has been ratified by the Wyoming State Legislature. Hansen explains the process for ratification and suggests that the only strategy to defeat the ERA is to help people in the unratified states understand the arguments in opposition to the amendment.

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Exchange of letters between Sheryl Ann Firth and Senator Clifford P. Hansen, April 1974

Firth, a student at Rock Springs High School, writes Hansen to request information on the Equal Rights Amendment. Hansen replies explaining his position against the ERA but offers to have the National Organization for Women send Firth material which supports ERA ratification, so that she "will be able to assess the arguments on both sides".

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Exchange of letters between Mrs. Hugh Stout and Senator Clifford P. Hansen, December 1975

Stout, from Thermopolis, Wyoming, writes to Hansen saying that she and other concerned women from Thermopolis feel the Equal Rights Amendment is harmful to women's legal rights and moral obligations. Hansen replies explaining that, despite his vote against it, the ERA passed in Congress in 1972 and that the ratification process is now in the hands of the states.

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Exchange of letters between Deedra Phillips and Senator Clifford P. Hansen, March 1977

Phillips, from Evanston, Wyoming, writes to inquire whether women would be drafted into the military under the Equal Rights Amendment. Hansen replies that women would be drafted, but notes that there is no military draft at the time, so the issue is moot. Hansen also points out some benefits which would come to women enlisted in the military.

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Exchange of letters between Rich Baker and Senator Clifford P. Hansen, October 1977

Baker, a high school student from Sheridan, Wyoming, writes to inquire about Hansen's views on the Equal Rights Amendment. Hansen suggests that Baker seek out background information from the League of Women Voters and additionally explains that, while he voted aganst the ERA, he supports equal pay for equal work.

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Exchange of letters between Bonnie L. Jones and Senator Clifford P. Hansen, November 1977

Jones, from Green River, Wyoming, writes to Hansen asking that he vote against both abortion and the Equal Rights Amendment. Hansen replies that the ERA has not yet been ratified by the necessary 38 states and that the question of abortion should be left up to the individual.

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Resolution from the Daughters of Esther Morris Wyoming Women's Coalition to Senator Clifford P. Hansen, October 6, 1978

The organization Daughters of Esther Morris (Morris was a Wyoming woman who was an early suffragette and the first woman in the U.S. to serve as Justice of the Peace) pass a resolution supporting the extension of the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. They hand deliver their resolution to the office of Senator Cliff Hansen. 

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Letter from Gordon and Donna White to Senator Clifford P. Hansen, October 3, 1978

The Whites write to Hansen about their opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment and request that he vote against extending the deadline for ERA ratification and in favor of granting state legislatures the right to rescind their ratification vote. The letter is representative of many that Hansen received from his Wyoming constituents.

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Letter from Barbara Crone to Senator Clifford P. Hansen, August 26, 1978

Crone, the State Representative of the Wyoming Division of the American Association of University Women, writes to Hansen asking for his support in seeing that a vote on extending the Equal Rights Amendment ratification period gets brought to the Senate floor.

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Letter from Shelly Seawright to Senator Clifford P. Hansen, September 6, 1978

Seawright, a police officer from Worland, Wyoming, writes to express her concern about the "vagueness of the wording" of Equal Rights Amendment. She asks Hansen to vote against extending the ERA ratification period.

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming

Form Letter from Senator Clifford P. Hansen to Wyoming constituents, October 9, 1978

Hansen writes to constituents explaining his vote against extending the deadline for Equal Rights Amendment ratification and his vote in favor of granting state legislatures the right to rescind their ratification vote. He points out that he was in the minority on both votes, and that, despite his efforts, the ERA ratification time period has been extended to June 30, 1982.

Resource Identifier
Clifford P. Hansen papers, Collection No. 11454, Box 117, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming