Scully correspondence, notes, and other UFO-related materials, 1953
Correspondence include Jerry Baker, Albert K. Bender, Gene Dorsey, George Van Tassel, Max B. Miller, George Adamski, Lucy McGinnis, John Otto, and Silas Newton. Notes include mention of Karl Hunrath and George H. Williamson; a meeting Air Force personnel including Albert Chop; alleged UFO contactee Truman Bethurum; and more. Includes a notice from the International Flying Saucer Bureau declaring March 15, 1953, as a telepathic contact day with outer space, which become “World Contact Day.” There is a transcript of Frank Scully’s talk before the Flying Saucers International Convention in Hollywood, California, on August 16, 1953. And there are materials related to George Adamski’s co-authored book, Flying Saucers Have Landed.
Resource Identifier
Frank Scully papers, Collection No. 9554, Box 3, Folder 1, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
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